Friday, December 3, 2010

More from October

Still catching up on our life (in photo) over the past few months....

My little roosters patiently waiting by my bed for me to get up (notice Liam's shoe).

Loving the furniture-less room. Perfect for making trains out of flashcards.

Julia announced she was ready for school. I applauded her efforts. Then I helped her change.

Always happy on the way to school!

Very proud of his batter. We were making these for his class Halloween party.

Testing out the 3D TV at Cowboy Maloney's while we were out mattress shopping

Each week Julia's class focuses on a different letter. For "D" week, they had a Doughnuts with Dad (or grand-DAD) party. G-da joined Julia for breakfast at school, and she loved their special time together.

I think G-Da was wishing he could go to preschool instead of the law office.

Park Days

All those beautiful days in October meant a lot of fun outings to the local parks (some afternoons with both children and some mornings with just Liam while Julia was at school).

I can fly!

Halloween: Part II

The children had their first real Halloween this year, and we couldn't be in a better neighborhood for it!
Some of the neighborhood kids before we all set out

Julia & our sweet neighbor, Laura Leigh (also 4 yrs old)

Trick-or-treat strategy meeting

The day before Halloween I got to help carve pumpkins with Julia's class at school. Anita Beth (Addie's mom) and I decided our pumpkin needed something other than the standard triangle-eyed, snaggle-toothed face

Halloween: Part I

The week of Halloween the children got to wear their costumes to gymnastics class.

Liam the Shark

I asked Liam if he was a nice shark. He said, "No, a mean shark."
This was my sweet little boy's attempt at a mean shark face.

Julia the Ladybug

Liam couldn't keep his eyes off Buzz Lightyear long enough to smile for the photo

Pumpkin Patch

If you live in the greater Jackson area, then be sure to go to Trace Farms Pumpkin Patch in Clinton next October. We stayed for over 2 hours and had an absolute blast! The owners are so friendly and generous -- they only charge for the pumpkins you want to take home -- and they have made such a fun, fall play land for the children.
Giant tunnel at one end of the hay maze

Queen of the hay bales

Playing in the corncrib

King of the corncrib

Nana & G-da (my parents) joined us in time for the hay ride

More fun in the hay maze


Agricultural Museum

A warm October outing to the Agricultural Museum. Since the weather was great, we spent most of our time in the old town and out on the boardwalks. Julia is fascinated by everything from the "old old days" so we had fun seeing first hand how different life was. As a side note, I was pleased to see they have started taking better care of the animals than the last time we were there.

This is how almost every "sibling photo" attempt starts....

Then they can't help but inch closer to each other just to act silly together
Liam did not want to get any closer to the scarecrows

Julia got closer but kept watching them out of the corner of her eye

Can't miss out on sitting in the giant rocking chair

Liam had a staring contest with an enormous pig

"Hey, Julia, will you smile for the camera?"

Oh, alright....

Driving the antique car

In the general store, I gave each child 50 cents to spend. Liam picked up every item in the store then debated for five minutes between buying a bouncy ball or a bracelet.