Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Nomad Comes Home

I've been laughing with friends and family, that of all the people in our high school class I could probably have been voted "Least Likely to Settle in Mississippi." But here I am, proudly admitting that I was wrong about this town (or at least wrong about the great joy of living close to family and the familiar territory of the place where you grew up).

I've been a bit of a nomad in the past 10+ years, venturing further and further from Mississippi -- Boston to Berkeley to Boulder to Brisbane (guess I always had a thing for cities starting with a "B" too). At any rate, after nearly five years of living in Australia -- about as far away as you can go without falling off the edge of the Earth -- I'm finally getting back to where I started.

So join me via the blogging world, as this wanderer comes home.


  1. Laura! This new blog is so cute! I love the picture of the kids. Are you all settled in at the new house? Hope all is going well!

  2. We look forward to hearing all about your adventures!

  3. Love the picture of the kids -- so precious! Glad to have you back in the South.

  4. Love having you all here~such fun seeing you all the time! Great pic of your kiddos, too!!!
