Still catching up on our life (in photo) over the past few months....

My little roosters patiently waiting by my bed for me to get up (notice Liam's shoe).

Loving the furniture-less room. Perfect for making trains out of flashcards.

Julia announced she was ready for school. I applauded her efforts. Then I helped her change.

Always happy on the way to school!

Very proud of his batter. We were making these for his class Halloween party.

Testing out the 3D TV at Cowboy Maloney's while we were out mattress shopping
Each week Julia's class focuses on a different letter. For "D" week, they had a Doughnuts with Dad (or grand-DAD) party. G-da joined Julia for breakfast at school, and she loved their special time together.

I think G-Da was wishing he could go to preschool instead of the law office.
LOVE all the pictures.